In the Flesh

TV Show Title Sequence

A title sequence for a hypothetical TV series, In the Flesh, about an alien parasite who has commandeered a human skin. Armed with an identity and a stolen car, the creature has only one focus: the hunt is on.

Role Everything (Project Planner, Production Designer, Director, Cinematographer, Typographer, Editor)

Skills Video Production, Production Design, Videography, Editing

Watch it Here

In this title sequence, I wanted to establish the bleak setting of post-industrial urban sprawl  — a hunting ground where an alien parasite could roam unnoticed  — while suggesting the creature’s alien origins and its unfamiliarity with a human skin.


I focused on viscerally suggesting the creature’s unfamiliarity with a human body – tugging on the alien shape of an ear, muscles twitching as they navigate foreign body mechanics, and visuals suggesting the donning of a second skin.
The typography continues to build the dark, alien world of the story. I built in large gaps between words and used a ghost-like font weight to further the sense of instability and discomfort.     Resume     LinkedIn
©Sam Rauch 2024